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Anglican Protestant Church

Anglo-Protestant / Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate integral to the United Episcopal Catholic Communion

Presiding Archbishop: His Grace Brian K. Putzier (Th.D, D.D, O.C.R)

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Learn more about our mission

The Anglican Protestant Church, hereafter referenced as APC, is a not-for-profit registered entity in the state of Missouri, USA. The stated registration resides under the statutes MO § 355. The operational Charter Number is N000713936

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team.


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About the Anglican Protestant Church

Founded by the Patriarch, the philosophy of the organization is to return to the traditions of the Apostles and the early Church Fathers. Our philosophy is to do whatever it takes to reach the disenfranchised who have lost the church of their choice for any secular or religious reason

Leadership & Organization

The Anglican Protestant Church's reach is both local and international. Our clergy use all available means to bring the word, faith and solace of the church to the masses. We operate in a hierarchical structure with the Patriarch overseeing the operations and a Bishops Consistory that reports up to the patriarch, presents new ideas and oversees the operations/formation of their respective clergy.


The APC is proud to have a solid, licit and valid Apostolic Succession. All clergy are ordained or consecrated within these lines and the rites are performed in the correct form and matter set down by Pope Pius XII (AAS 40-5 EPISCOPALI CONSECRATIONIS)


This organization operates as an Anglican Ordinariate under the United Episcopal Catholic Communion. This ordinariate sets forth the liturgy, rubrics and generalized canons to bring the word, faith and solace of the church to those who support the Anglican, Anglo-Catholic or Anglo-Protestant faith. Our Archbishop reports directly to the Patriarch of the UECC.


Farmington, Missouri USA

Founder: Archbishop Brian K. Putzier (Th.D, D.D, O.C.R) Patriarch of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion

Administrator: Archbishop Brian K. Putzier (Th.D, D.D, O.C.R ) Patriarch of the Anglican Protestant Church


Registered Not-for-Profit Religious Organization

The Anglican Protestant Church, hereafter referenced as APC, is a not-for-profit registered entity in the state of Missouri, USA. The stated registration resides under the statutes MO § 355. The operational Charter Number is N000713936

Our Structure

The Anglican Protestant Church is an Independent Anglican organization that adheres to the ancient traditions of the church.

As an open church that seeks to serve, we support the Anglican/Anglo-Catholic/Anglo-Protestant precepts based on the the Anglican faith after the year of the Lord 1534.

Our organization supports all people disregarding race, creed, color, national origin, orientation or other factors of the human experience.


Our Formation

The Anglican Protestant Church was formed as an independent church not affiliated with the business oriented mainstream organizations. While we have great respect and honor the work of these organizations, we desire a less secular approach to church operations. Generating huge church financials, holding properties, politics and above all secularization or modernization is out of bounds based on our beliefs and canons.

Our organization was formed to operate under the precepts of the Apostles and many early church fathers. These individuals pledged to leave their homes and businesses, spread the word and the faith on their travels and then return to hearth and home. These individuals held secular employment, many using their personal finances to finance their missions. Some were field workers, carpenters, masons or fisherman. Our philosophy is much the same. Our clergy support themselves in the secular realm, and are free to build their mission and church as they see fit. There is no encumbrance of clergy supporting the finances of the parent church.

The operation of the Anglican Protestant Church is designed such that we provide training, credibility, licit Apostolic Succession, canons and ethics standards for our clergy. Outside of these factors, the day to day operations of the clergy forming their mission or church is semi-autonomous.

Seminary Overview

About St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

Founded by the Patriarch of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion, the philosophy of the seminary is to return to the traditions of a more monastic and apprenticeship style training that existed 1900+ years before the secularization of accreditation affected university seminaries.

Leadership & Organization

St. Borromeo's reach is both local and international. While the seminary is integral to the United Episcopal Catholic Communion and we train specifically for our own clergy, there is a process to allow other organizations to utilize the training provided.

Degrees of Theological Nature Only

St. Borromeo operates as a fully exempt institution under the laws of Missouri and in full compliance with the rules of the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. We do not seek accreditation from the 'university' style seminary accreditation agencies. Accreditation is a secular concept, does not fit well with religious precepts, and exists predominantly to support student loans, administration tasks and business operations of the accredited seminary. We may, at our discretion, review accreditation requirements in the future.

Catalog and Requirements

Check out our Curriculum Catalog and Requirements (Overview)

Check out the entire seminary website at Seminary Page (New Tab)


Farmington, Missouri USA

Rector: Archbishop Brian K. Putzier (Th.D, D.D) Patriarch of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion Website:

Private Missouri Integral Theological Seminary

The St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, hereafter referenced as SCBS, is a not-for-profit registered entity in the state of Missouri, USA. The stated registration resides under the statutes MO § 173.616. Sections 173.600 to 173.618. The operational Charter Number is N001690150.

Degrees of Theological Nature Only.

St. Borromeo Seminary has received certification exemption status from the Missouri Department of Education.


Bachelor of Sacred Christian Theology

Master of Sacred Christian Theology

Doctor of Sacred Christian Theology



Return to Ancient Tradition

We operate under the ancient practices of the church as it appeared from the time of Jesus Christ, through the works of the Apostles and the foundation set down by the church fathers.

The Mission

Our mission is very succinct; do whatever it takes to reach the masses. We specifically target the disenfranchised who have lost their church of choice due to finances, politics, church closing, illicit activity or simply do not have a church of their choice in their area.

Our Clergy

The APC utilizes 'practicing clergy' for the presentation of our faith. While theologically sound, we desire our clergy not to spend copious time on research, debate or languages. We strive to have clergy who have a single focused mission; Spread the word of the Holy Bible, fulfill the sacraments and provide the solace of the church to those that seek it.


Diversity & inclusion
We operate as an open church without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, orientation or other factors regarding the human experience. We strive for interactions and fellowship as was dictated by the Lord and the Apostles throughout biblical text.

We strongly believe in unity between all denominations and sects of Christianity, yet do not promote unification, uniformity or conformity. We uphold the rights, beliefs, theology and divinity within all organizations. We support all organizations as brothers and sisters in the faith.

We are proud members of the Order of Corporate Reunion.



Public Reference Library

The United Episcopal Catholic Communion maintains a large online reference library of thousands of mostly public domain books, Op-eds, manuscripts and other materials.


The library contains html, PDF and eReader files in a wide range of categories: Church Fathers, Church History, Biblical Commentaries and Texts, Religious Philosophy, General Theology, Liturgies, Ethics, Video and much more.

Open Reference

No login is required unless you so desire. There is a small section of materials that may or may not require login at our discretion. 


Churches & Missions Anglo-Protestant / Anglo-Catholic

Our Parent Communion

Churches & Missions Independent Catholic

Churches & Missions SOSMAUSA (Affiliated)
Join Our Organization

If you perceive a calling to the ministry and wish to serve, can support yourself in a steady secular job, cannot subscribe to the outrageous cost of 'secular university' seminary training, cannot justify 5-7 years in seminary and formation and desire to operate an semi-autonomous church, we can provide you the path to your personal success.

We also offer incardination for pre-existing qualified clergy.

If you perceive a calling to the ministry and wish to serve, can support yourself in a steady secular job, cannot subscribe to the outrageous cost of 'secular university' seminary training, cannot justify 5-7 years in seminary and formation and desire to operate an semi-autonomous church, we can provide you the path to your personal success.

We also offer incardination for pre-existing qualified clergy.

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